Advanced Sample Identification and Labware Preparation

Download this white paper to learn how an accurate labeling system can save your lab time, reduce sample errors, and boost throughput.

Improve Accuracy, Enable Productivity, and Eliminate Errors

Laboratories are busy work environments where scientists face various obstacles concerning sample management including the loss of samples, mislabeling and sample errors, storage and safety, data integrity, and the tracking of information. Correctly identifying and tracking each plate, tube and vial can be both exacting and laborious.

Essential as these tasks are, hand labeling leads to compromised throughput speeds, mislabeled or lost samples, and increased costs. By implementing a standardize labeling system, you can experience significant time, budget, staffing, and inventory savings.

clinical diagnostics research laboratory

5% of samples are unusable due to labeling errors.

Computype’s Labware Prep™ Services reduces the percentage to <1%.

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Learn how pre-barcoded labware improves accuracy, enables productivity, and eliminates errors in your identification process.

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