Labeling systems to ensure safe handling of blood products.

Tracking solutions to accurately collect, store and manage blood. Because when it’s your responsibility to ensure donated blood is utilized to its fullest potential, ensure your donation-identification strategy & all subsequent blood component tracking processes are the absolute best they can be.
our expertise


As the largest worldwide supplier of DIN label sets, Computype knows that data integrity, product reliability and patient safety are paramount to your success, mission and reputation.


Eliminate the risk of duplicate and no-read barcode labels, whilst also ensuring first-time scannability through leveraging our DIN-label Vision-Based Inspection System.


Achieve a high degree of self-sufficiency whilst reducing costs when leveraging unique in-house solutions, single-supplier sourcing and working together to forecast & plan for your future demands.


Blood Tracking Solutions.

The most carefully engineered label solutions and systems to keep your collection facility running smoothly.

Ensure proper handling in blood collection and donation identification

Custom layouts for Din label sets

Ensure consistency and accuracy in blood donation identification with sequential, color-coded barcode DIN label sets.

Safely manage blood products with item level tracking and monitoring

digital asset management

Leverage a data-driven infrastructure that allows for tracking both digitally and physically, for the ultimate intelligence in your blood bank or collection site.

Preserve tissue samples and biopsy specimens through staining procedures

self laminating slide labels

Our custom FLAP labels create a hydrophobic barrier that prevents stains from coming in contact with the barcode image.

Easily print high-resolution, small barcode labels on demand

globally trusted print solutions

The Zebra ZD desktop printer series are some of the most widely used models, trusted by hospitals, laboratories, and other medical facilities. 

Watch the video to learn more about what you can expect from a blood labeling partnership with Computype.

Ready to tighten up your lab’s tracking & identification strategy?

Talk to an expert to explore all options.

Not ready to talk, but want to explore all the ways to identify and track blood products & components?

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