LabTrack™ Software

Gain complete end-to-end visibility in your lab. LabTrack™ Software empowers laboratories to establish digital connectivity and manage sample inventories — saving time, increasing throughput, and improving accuracy.

Locate, store, and monitor your samples with ease

LabTrack™ is a dynamic laboratory asset and data management solution designed to streamline operations and elevate efficiency.

  • Accurately track item-level sample data
  • Instantly pinpoint sample locations
  • Conveniently monitor sample status and usage

LabTrack™ is more than just a tracking tool; LabTrack™ is a transformative solution that enhances productivity, ensures compliance, and fosters a culture of efficiency within your lab.

Cloud-based identification and tracking software solution

At its core, LabTrack™ is a comprehensive software solution that enables you to track and monitor individual assets, ensuring a precise chain of custody and real-time visibility into item history, movement, and status. Your LabTrack™ advantage includes:

Flexible Data Entry

LabTrack™ has three methods for data entry: manual text entry, barcodes, and RFID.

RFID & Mobile Capabilities

With RFID and mobile capabilities, LabTrack™ ensures seamless monitoring and control.

Printing and Re-printing

Streamline your workflow by easily printing and re-printing item labels directly from LabTrack™.

Sustainable Solutions

LabTrack™ enables sustainable practices by supporting the recycling and re-use of labware.

Powered by Avery Dennison’s connected product cloud

LabTrack™ Software is a result of our partnership with Avery Dennison. Our software is powered by their connected product cloud, a platform that unlocks the power of connected products by assigning unique IDs to every item. The platform is built on Microsoft Azure for unparalleled security in enterprise-level cloud computing solutions.

With the power and reliability of Microsoft Azure, you can rest assured that your data is secure and always accessible, knowing that the platform’s global network of data centers ensures uninterrupted service with 99.9% guaranteed uptime.

Furthermore, Computype guarantees that your data belongs to you, we never use customer data for any purpose.

Simplified LabTrack™ Process Flow

LabTrack™ can help you track the movement of your samples throughout your supply chain and storage as well as your scientific processes. Once an item is associated you will have complete visibility to that item’s history and status, automatically generating a chain of custody as it moves. Once your sample reaches the end of its life you can end the journey by deactivating the item ID, or you can recycle the virtual barcode and reassociate it with a new item.

Robust core functions for seamless sample management

Item Association

Input new items via barcode scan, RFID, or manual entry and link to an existing parent part. 

Laboratory Processes

Track samples through your unique laboratory procedures such as transformation or aliquoting.


Print item labels by generating a new unique ID or re-printing a label for an existing part.

Item Deactivation

Deactivate items to remove them from LabTrack™. Items will remain inactive for historic reporting.


Check items in and out of specific locations such as Cabinet A-02 or Freezer B-04.


Deactivate and re-associate barcoded labware with a new sample to re-enter the workflow.

Configure LabTrack™ to meet your needs

Configuring LabTrack™ is a seamless process designed to adapt to your specific requirements. With three flexible data entry methods, including manual input, barcode scanning, and automated RFID technology, LabTrack™ ensures efficient and accurate data handling.

Moreover, LabTrack™ offers versatile, bespoke modules that can be tailored to address various facets of sample management.

Our goal is to provide you with a flexible system that adapts seamlessly and effortlessly.

While LabTrack may require some initial setup, rest assured that our team takes care of most of the configuration for you. Once it’s up and running, our dedicated support remains readily available to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and effective sample management solution for your business.

Struggling with sample management in your lab?

Request a call and let’s get you on track.

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