Prepared labware solutions for laboratory research studies and experiments.

With any study in a lab environment, processes can become cumbersome and time-consuming between collection and storage. Adding barcodes to your labeling solutions can help simplify your workflows and enhance accuracy while experiencing precision and efficiency within the lab. Customize your approach with our range of color-coded tubes, microplates, specimen labels, and more. Simplify your workflows, enhance accuracy, and delve into groundbreaking discoveries with ease.

Prepare for your research study with color-coded, pre-sorted labware. 

Prepared Labware: Receive pre-labeled and pre-sorted labware, color-coded and precisely matching the parameters of your unique experiment.

Color-Coded Labels: Adhesive and non-adhesive color-coding solutions for tubes, plates, and racks—with exact color matching available.

Sample Detail Labels: Clearly identify your samples and specimens with pre-printed or pre-marked labels, with or without a barcode.

pre-identified labware

Receive organized labware based on the parameters of your experiment.

Prepare for your lab study with organized labware, sorted and packaged to match your study file template exactly. Utilizing your study file template as a blueprint, our goal is to collaborate with you to develop a labeling solution that will meet the needs of your experiment—providing intuitive organization and easy usability.

Receive your labware immediately ready to use upon delivery. Tubes can be arranged in racks according to color, sample type, and organized sequentially according to any alphanumeric labels, ensuring systematic handling.

  • Custom color patches and dot labels
  • Sample collection labels
  • Alphanumeric sequential characters
  • Barcode labels for racks, tubes, and plates
  • Sorting and packaging based on study parameters
  • Consultative support to ensure seamless research

Color-coding solutions for sample collection and research.

Color-coding is a valuable organizational tool widely employed in lab research studies to facilitate easy at-a-glance identification and maintain clear organization. This could include colored labware, colored tube caps, and color labels or patches on labware. Assigning colors to parameters helps researchers distinguish samples, streamlining workflow and reducing errors for smoother operations. Exact color matching is available through Labware Prep™ Services.

Colored Dot Labels

Colored dot labels provide a convenient solution for tube caps, ensuring at-a-glance recognition and organized research workflows.

  • Adhesive color dot labels
  • Colored patches directly applied to labware
  • Exact color matching opportunities

Colored dot labels can be printed on an adhesive label, or pre-marked directly onto the labware.

Enhance traceability in sample collection with detailed labels.

Labeling your sample collection tubes with key details will further enhance clarity, accuracy, and traceability in your study. These details can be written in text or encoded in the barcode for efficient data retrieval, or both text and a barcode can be utilized to combine data capacity and accuracy with the practicality of human-readable labels. Human-readable specimen labels offer a practical alternative to barcodes in settings where extensive data tracking and dynamic routing aren’t required.

Sample Collection Labels

Easily enhance color-coding and numeric sorting by labeling samples and specimens with identifying information printed in text.

  • Sample type and identifiers
  • Study and laboratory details
  • Cage and tag ID numbers

This information can be printed on an adhesive label, or pre-marked directly onto the labware.

Simplify your in vivo study 

We provide the labware, you provide the research.

Properly identifying samples collected from animal models is critical, but manually labeling collection tubes is inefficient and prone to human error. Misidentified samples can become unusable, thus wasting valuable resources and losing critical data.

Rapid delivery with Labware Prep™ Services Express

Labware Prep™ Services offers labs a critical solution—providing the capability to mark and package labware to your exacting specifications. With the Labware Prep™ Services Express program you can receive your delivery in as little as 48 hours, after a preliminary set-up period of approximately 2-3 weeks. Completing this initial setup ahead of time enables you to receive rapid delivery once you are ready.

  • Non-adhesive barcode and text labels
  • Eliminate fit issues with racks and centrifuges
  • Fully customizable precision color matching
  • Measured grad lines and write-on patches

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