Where tracking meets success.

Labeling challenges, meet comprehensive identification and tracking expertise. That’s what you’ll find when you partner with Computype.

Where identity meets intelligence.

In today’s world, physical assets have parallel digital identities. Our cloud-based infrastructure allows you to track that digital identity, turning data into powerful intelligence.

Where preparedness meets discovery.

Spend more time focusing on research goals and less time prepping your labware by receiving vials, plates, other labware pre-labeled, tared, and sorted to your specifications.

Where we bring our tracking expertise

Harsh environments, meet extreme performance. See where we’re bringing this mindset every day.

How we improve workflows

Track record, meet trajectory. We have a history of innovating flexible and customizable services to improve how you track vital information.

Solutions for our Customers in Life Sciences

Whether you’re collecting blood, performing research studies, searching for a cure, or working on a diagnosis, Computype solutions help ensure the most accurate outcome.

Clinical & Diagnostics


Biopharma & Biotech

Analytical Labs

Compound Management

Transfusion Medicine

Solutions for our Customers in Industrial Manufacturing

When you need tracking & identification that also supports lean manufacturing, WIP, product branding, and quality testing, Computype solutions stack up.


Belt & Rubber



Fabric & Garments

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